
Fluoxymesterone is a testosterone-derived anabolic androgenic steroid, more specifically a structurally altered form of methyltestosterone.


Halotestin Function and Properties:
Fluoxymesterone is a testosterone-derived anabolic androgenic steroid, more specifically a structurally altered form of methyltestosterone. Fluoxymesterone is a testosterone hormone that has had a methyl group added to the 17th carbon position to allow for oral administration. It also has a fluorine group added to carbons 9 and 3, and a hydroxyl group added to carbon 11. These modifications inhibit aromatization of the steroid, greatly increasing its androgenic properties. The androgenic properties and activity of fluoxymesterone will far exceed those of methyltestosterone.

Based on its structural design, Halotestin has an anabolic rating of 1,900 and an androgenic rating of 850. All ratings are benchmarked against pure testosterone, which has a rating of 100 in both categories. This means that Halo, as it is often called, has a rating that is almost beyond reasonable, but its anabolic rating is extremely deceptive. While its anabolic rating is high, its anabolic conversion in the human body appears to be close to zero. This steroid does not produce any significant anabolic effects at all, and works primarily through androgenic activity.

Halotestin has some very powerful effects, the most powerful of which are related to red blood cells. Halo is able to greatly increase hematocrit and hemoglobin levels as well as red blood cell mass. It also appears to work through cells that are already committed to an erythropoietin response. These effects contribute in large part to the strength effects, as well as the higher energy levels that a steroid can provide.

Halotestin also has a powerful fat-reducing effect. Halo is able to promote the regulation of fatty acid oxidation in the liver and fast-twitch mitochondria. Through these effects, as well as red blood cell interactions, we have a steroid that is able to have a significant effect on the visual conditioning aspects of an already fairly lean individual.

Effects of Halotestin:
The effects of Halotestin, while very powerful, do not represent what we would call a truly versatile anabolic steroid. This steroid is used for a very specific point of use, and while it can be beneficial, the potential for side effects will keep it from being needed by most men. The primary effects of Halotestin are strength and aggression. The issue of aggression and anabolic steroids is often overstated, but in the case of Halo, it does increase aggression. This in turn causes the athlete to push harder and get stronger. While it can increase aggression, there are some important things to remember. Halotestin cannot change your personality, take away your ability to tell right from wrong, or change your decision-making process. It can make an individual have a stronger, more aggressive personality, but it is how one handles aggression that determines whether it is right or wrong. Aggression itself is not bad, it can be a very positive tool; it is how we handle aggression that determines whether it is right or wrong. For someone who is naturally violent and irritable, using Halotestin will make him more aggressive. For someone who is sane, he will show more aggression in the gym or during competition.

Because Halotestin can increase strength and aggression, it has become a popular steroid for weightlifters, power athletes, and combat athletes shortly before a competition. It is very common to use Halotestin in the weeks before a competition, and the increase in strength is probably greater than any other anabolic steroid. The same strength and aggression benefits are also useful for competitive bodybuilders in the weeks before a competition. Competitive bodybuilding diets are brutal, perhaps the hardest diets in the world. By the end, most people become extremely fatigued and have a hard time staying on track. Taking Halotestin in the final weeks can help them get through this extremely difficult period. It will also make the individual look stronger and more defined; however, there is an important caveat. While Halo can greatly improve visually relevant physique, you have to be extremely lean and stay lean for competitive bodybuilding competitions to really benefit from it. Most steroid users will never see this level of leanness, and for them, there is no benefit to using Halo.

This roughly sums up the beneficial effects of Halotestin. This steroid is not a muscle-building steroid, nor is it a steroid that is used as a base steroid in any cycle. It is a short-term use steroid with specific benefits for a specific purpose. In a therapeutic setting, while it is approved for use in certain treatment points, it has become extremely rare.

Side Effects of Halotestin:

Halotestin is not a devastating steroid in terms of potential side effects, but there are worse compounds. However, it is not a compound that we would call extremely user-friendly, especially when we consider its hepatotoxicity and potential effects on cardiovascular health. For this reason, most people need to stay away from this compound. It is possible to use Halotestin without problems, but it requires some effort and, due to its limited uses, it is largely not worth using. To understand the side effects of Halotestin and all the protective measures you can take, we have divided them into different categories and all the information you need to know.

[1] Estrogenic:

Although Halotestin is a testosterone-derived anabolic steroid, it does not aromatize and does not produce estrogenic side effects. Edema and gynecomastia are not caused by the use of this steroid. Using anti-estrogens and Halotestin at the same time does not provide any benefits. Depending on the other compounds in the cycle, anti-estrogens may be needed, but with the use of Halotestin, this is not necessary.

[2] Androgenic:

Halo is a very androgenic steroid, so the side effects of Halotestin can be related to its strong androgenic nature. This can include acne, accelerated hair loss in patients with male pattern baldness, and body hair growth. While these effects depend largely on individual response and genetic predisposition, the androgenic potency of Halo greatly increases this possibility. This potency is so strong that some studies suggest that fluoxymesterone may actually promote penis enlargement.

Halotestin is greatly affected by 5-alpha reductase, the enzyme responsible for reducing testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. Therefore, the use of a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor, such as finasteride, may reduce the androgenic side effects associated with Halotestin. Such use will not completely inhibit the androgenic activity of this steroid, but it may reduce it. However, those who are very sensitive to androgenic side effects may need to abstain from using this steroid.

Due to the extremely strong androgenic properties of Halotestin, its side effects can be very severe for women, causing strong virilization symptoms. Virilization symptoms include body hair growth, thickening of the vocal cords, and clitoral enlargement. Its effects are so strong that most women cannot avoid virilization. The only situation in which Halo is recommended for women is the treatment of inoperable breast cancer that is androgen-sensitive. This steroid is not intended for use to enhance the performance of female athletes.

[3] Cardiovascular:

Halotestin can have a strong negative impact on cardiovascular health, especially with regard to cholesterol management. This can include a significant increase in LDL cholesterol and a significant suppression of HDL cholesterol. This is primarily due to its resistance to the liver. Halotestin can also cause high blood pressure and negatively affect triglyceride levels. Long-term use of this medication may lead to left ventricular hypertrophy. Due to the negative cardiovascular effects of Halotestin, long-term exposure may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

If Halotestin is to be used, it must be ensured that the patient does not have high cholesterol or high blood pressure. If the patient is in good enough health to use Halotestin, every effort must be made to maintain healthy levels and closely monitor the patient. Management should include an extremely healthy lifestyle, a diet rich in omega fatty acids, and a diet that is friendly to total cholesterol. The overall diet should also limit simple sugars and saturated fats and should be combined with regular cardiovascular activity. Many people will also find it valuable to supplement with antioxidant supplements that promote healthy cholesterol levels.

If Halotestin is to be used, the liver must first be healthy. In addition, the individual must work to reduce and limit the overall stress on the liver. To limit stress, Halotestin should not be used for more than 4 weeks, and many find that 2 weeks of use is sufficient, such as 2 weeks before a competition. Individuals should also use a liver detoxifier supplement in conjunction with this steroid; in fact, it should not be used without such a protectant. All people using Halotestin are further encouraged to avoid excessive alcohol consumption, as this can put a great deal of stress on the liver. Avoiding all alcohol intake would be the safest approach. A final point about stress reduction is to limit the use of over-the-counter (OTC) medications. Many OTC medications are highly hepatotoxic, in some cases more so than many anabolic steroids. OTC medications should only be used when absolutely necessary. Halotestin


For performance enhancement, Halotestin is taken in doses ranging from 10-40 mg per day. 10 mg per day can produce noticeable effects, but most people will find 20 mg per day to be a more beneficial dose that is manageable when used correctly by healthy adult males. If this dose is well tolerated and you want to increase the dose later, you can try 40 mg per day. However, this dosage greatly increases the potential for negative effects and may be excessive for some men. Regardless of dosage, 2-4 weeks of use is recommended. Also, regardless of dosage, like most oral anabolic steroids, Halo should be taken on an empty stomach. Taking it with food may reduce its bioavailability.

Halotestin can also be used to treat androgen problems, typically at a dose of 20 mg per day. This dose is usually adjusted down after a short initial treatment. Total dosage is usually kept in the 5-20 mg per day range, depending on individual needs. This use can sometimes be long-term; however, very close and ongoing attention will be paid to cardiovascular and liver health. This treatment is fairly rare in modern times, but can be beneficial for some men.