Increase muscle mass and strength and replacement therapy for hypogonadism. Product with very high anabolic rating.
Side effects of Trestolone (MENT+)
Side effects of Trestolone include low estrogen levels and related symptoms such as decreased sexual function and decreased bone mineral density.
Due to its androgenic and progestogenic activity, Trestolone has antigonadotropic effects. These effects lead to a reversible inhibition of sperm production and cause Trestolone to have a contraceptive effect in men.
It takes 5-6 months after stopping the medication for normal sperm production to return to normal. The drug has weak estrogenic activity.
Dosage and use of Trestolone - MENT
Trestolone acetate has been shown to increase levels of growth hormone and IGF (insulin-like growth factor), eliminate libido problems, and give beast-like strength and muscle mass - weight gains of the order of 20-25 kg are quite possible with a cycle of Trestolone (MENT+ Tn Pharma).
A standard dose of MENT once or twice a week is reasonable (250 mg - 1 ml). Steroid cycles should not exceed 10 weeks and are perfect in combination with testosterone.
Benefits and Uses of Trestolone MENT+
MENT is the first androgen to promote health (i.e. reduce the incidence of prostate disease). Clinicians can also use MENT to treat hypogonadism, prostate hyperplasia, and muscle atrophy.
For comparison, this extremely powerful anabolic and androgenic steroid can be put up there with Anadrol (the most powerful oral steroid), but in fact MENT+ is even more powerful than Anadrol (Anapolon), while being both toxic and prostate-friendly!