
HIGHLY VERSATILE: Sustanon can be used for bulking, cutting, TRT and overall athletic performance. This drug does it all – making it a sought-after, versatile compound.


Sustanon is a four-part drug made up of Testosterone Decanoate, Testosterone Phenylpropionate, Testosterone Isocaproate and Testosterone Propionate. It is a fast-acting and water-based steroid that enters the bloodstream almost immediately after being administered. Peak testosterone levels can be achieved very quickly with this steroid. Its testosterone suspension is ideal for promoting IGF-1 (insulin like growth factor-1) and red blood cells.

Drug Profile
Without question, Sustanon is one of the most popular testosterone mixtures in the world. Developed among four unique testosterone esters, this compound is comprised into one. Sustanon can be used for TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) and to improve athletic performance.

Expand Athletic Performance – Athletes around the globe can benefit from Sustanon use. Since Sustanon is only a slightly altered testosterone compound, athletic performance is known to improve with elevated test levels.
Perfect Option for TRT – If you are looking for a testosterone replacement therapy option that has been widely used and tested already, look no further than Sustanon. Patients with low testosterone levels can repair themselves with one injection per month. Take note, if you are an athlete or work physically hard daily, injections every other day are recommended.
Improve Protein Synthesis – To build lasting muscle, protein synthesis improvement is a crucial performance enhancing drug feature. Sustanon has a revered capability to make protein synthesis highly efficient.
Side Effects

Like other testosterone compounds, Sustanon can lead to estrogenic effects. These effects include gynecomastia, water retention, and high blood pressure.

For women, this drug is to be avoided because virilization will most likely occur. Instead, women should check out a single-ester compound for testosterone replacement rather than Sustanon’s four-ester mixture.

To reap the benefits of this drug without these nasty side effects, run Sustanon with an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) or a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM).

What You Can Expect from SUSTANON
TRAIN LONGER: With Sustanon on your side, you can train longer than you ever thought possible. This drug can provide you the edge needed to push past athletic limits.

CORTISOL SUPPRESSION: The stress hormone cortisol can wreak havoc on your muscle building and fat loss potential. Sustanon directly suppresses cortisol to allow you to continue to reach your fullest athletic potential.

GREAT FOR BULKING: Although not boasted as a bulking steroid, Sustanon can help you gain more lean mass and increase overall strength levels. Alongside an adequate macro and calorie intake, take your next athletic bulk and buy Sustanon.

FAT BURNING MACHINE: Sustanon is an excellent option for cutting because this drug protects your hard-earned gains. During a caloric deficit, Sustanon targets your fat instead of your lean muscle.

HIGHLY VERSATILE: Sustanon can be used for bulking, cutting, TRT and overall athletic performance. This drug does it all – making it a sought-after, versatile compound.