
This steroid is recommended for boosting recovery and endurance. It's not the strongest steroid ever created, but it's effective. You'll have enough to get through the hardest and most demanding workouts, while also having enough stamina to overcome the inevitable muscle fatigue that usually occurs during the last few sets.



Finding the ideal answer to help you transform your body — to help you add pound after pound of lean muscle with ease — is much more difficult than many people think.

Thanks to products like Superdrol, it is now easier than ever to get legal (and 100% legal) anabolic steroids — without having to worry about legal repercussions, disastrous short- and long-term health effects, or buying products that promise too much.

Superdrol Overview

Superdrol is an anabolic steroid, but it is one of the most unusual anabolic steroid choices for a number of reasons.

This steroid, produced by Anabolic Extreme, has never been listed as a banned substance in the United States. Since its introduction in 2005, Superdrol has helped many serious athletes transform their bodies faster than they could have imagined.

Superdrol is expected to be withdrawn by the end of 2012 due to pressure from the FDA. Superdrol was placed on the restricted drugs list in mid-2012 and is classified as a Schedule III drug.

Companies have been trying to replicate the effects of Superdrol and other formulas using the same active ingredients. Some have had some success, but none have been able to completely replicate the ingredients of Superdrol.

Now, the drug is experiencing a resurgence, but is actually manufactured entirely overseas. Superdrol is not as easily available as it was in 2005 and 2006. It is also not as dangerous to buy over the counter as it was in 2005 and 2006.

Superdrol Formula

The active steroid in Superdrol is methyltrenbolone, a DHT-derived anabolic steroid with an extra methyl group on the carbon position that helps enhance its anabolic power when injected.

This is why Superdrol has been a major game-changer in the over-the-counter steroid market, and why it is still classified as a Schedule III drug in the United States.

Superdrol has an anabolic rating of 400 (one of the highest anabolic ratings of any steroid currently available), but a moderately androgenic rating of only 20.

That’s what makes Superdrol so amazing, it not only builds muscle but does so without the dangerous and potentially life-changing side effects that other powerful steroids can end up with.

On the surface, there’s nothing special about Superdrol.

Superdrol is relatively mild and ineffective compared to other similar anabolic steroids, but it is a very effective solution for athletes and bodybuilders looking to improve their performance.

This anabolic steroid improves protein synthesis and nitrogen retention. Superdrol enables cells to retain additional nitrogen, which will go a long way toward creating an ideal environment for the development of new muscle tissue.

This creates a potent anabolic steroid and anabolic environment that allows bodybuilders and athletes to develop more lean muscle faster, even on a limited calorie intake. It’s no secret that bodybuilders who want to build muscle while preparing for a competition often use Superdrol because they know they can drastically reduce their calorie intake without compromising the effects of this anabolic steroid. Not many other steroids can offer this benefit.

Using this anabolic steroid will also increase the number of red blood cells in your body. Red blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body, so increasing your red blood cell count is not only good for your muscles, but also for your immune system and other important physiological functions.

Ultimately, Superdrol is a potent and proven anabolic steroid, which is why many people choose to use it.

Superdrol Effects

Other anabolic steroids have limited beneficial effects on the human body. But with Superdrol, you get a complete anabolic steroid treatment that will completely transform your physique.

Athletes who have used this steroid continue to praise it as a tool for increasing muscle mass, reducing water retention, and improving overall physique and appearance—even if you are clearly cutting calories to lose weight.

Most athletes use Superdrol as a weight loss steroid, which allows them to maintain muscle mass while starving their body to lose fat before a competition. Most people in the fitness and sports community don't think this is feasible, but Superdrol makes it easy and sustainable.

People who lose weight using Superdrol will also look "drier and harder" than those who use other weight loss products currently on the market. Due to its lack of water retention, this steroid will not create a bladder-like appearance under the skin like many other anabolic steroids.

Finally, this steroid is recommended for recovery and endurance. It is not the strongest steroid ever, but it is effective. You will have enough to complete the hardest and most demanding workouts, while also having enough stamina to overcome the inevitable muscle fatigue that usually occurs in the last few sets.

There is no need to increase your training time to use Superdrol's recovery and endurance solutions. Keeping the time frame the same will increase your efficiency, allowing you to complete more work faster without feeling overwhelmed or exhausted.

Due to the increased number of red blood cells, more oxygen and nutrients, including nitrogen and protein, will be delivered directly to the muscles. This speeds up recovery, which is key to muscle development.

Side Effects of Superdrol

After highlighting the many benefits of Superdrol, it is time to discuss its potential drawbacks.

As with other steroids, there are both pros and cons to taking these drugs. Only you can decide if this is right for you, but we hope this brief guide helps you better understand what you are taking.

Estrogenic side effects, such as gynecomastia and water retention, do not occur when taking this steroid.

While androgenic side effects are possible, they are rare due to Superdrol’s low androgenicity. Male baldness, body hair growth, and acne are all typical side effects of androgenic medications.

Cardiovascular Issues: Issues are one of the most concerning side effects of Superdrol, so keep an eye out for them. It may lower HDL cholesterol while raising LDL cholesterol. Blood pressure may rise quickly, compromising your short-term and long-term health.

Testosterone side effects are generally unavoidable, which is why it is recommended to use exogenous testosterone when using Superdrol. This is the only way to ensure that your body will still produce testosterone after you stop using Superdrol or after each Superdrol cycle.

Superdrol Dosage Information

However, most men start out with a dosage of 10 to 20 mg per day for about 6 to 8 weeks and then adjust those dosages to really find the proper treatment strategy.

While Superdrol can be taken “in combination” with other muscle-building supplements, you should first make sure they don’t cancel each other out or increase the risk of serious side effects.