
Benefits of EuroSARMs LGD-3033

1. Significantly increases muscle mass.

 2. Increases strength and endurance. 

3. Promotes fat loss by boosting metabolism and increasing muscle mass. 

4. Accelerates the healing process.


About LGD-3033

Similar to its counterpart LGD-4033, LGD-3033 is a potent SARM that exhibits significant affinity for binding to androgen receptors.

Uses, Creation and Key Features of EuroSARMs LGD-3033 (SARM)
LGD-3033 has been carefully designed to address muscle atrophy and functional limitations caused by acute and chronic diseases and aging. It exhibits anabolic activity in muscle, anti-resorptive and anabolic activity in bone, and is highly selective for muscle and bone.

Dosage and Administration

The SARM LGD-3033 has a long elimination half-life of 6 to 10 hours. The recommended dose is 10 mg to 30 mg.

Benefits of EuroSARMs LGD-3033

1. Significantly increases muscle mass.

 2. Increases strength and endurance. 

3. Promotes fat loss by boosting metabolism and increasing muscle mass. 

4. Accelerates the healing process.

Possible side effects

Although generally well tolerated, LGD-3033 may cause mild decreases in HDL and triglycerides, as well as partial inhibition of the HPT axis.