HGH is a peptide hormone, not a steroid. Peptides are substances made up of two or more amino acids. People often confuse human growth hormone (HGH) with other substances that can enhance athletic performance, but HGH is not a steroid.


Is HGH a steroid?
Is HGH (human growth hormone) a steroid?
No, HGH is a peptide hormone, not a steroid. Peptides are substances made up of two or more amino acids. People often confuse human growth hormone (HGH) with other substances that can improve athletic performance, but HGH is not a steroid.

What is HGH

Your body produces HGH in the pituitary gland. Your body produces new cells every day to replace those that degenerate and die over time. HGH helps your body produce these replacement cells. When your body can't repair its cells or produce enough new cells, you begin to show signs of aging.

What happens when your body starts to produce less HGH
As we age, the pituitary gland slows down the production of growth hormone. This process can begin in our thirties. By our forties and fifties, the body begins to feel the effects of this growth hormone deficiency. You may notice one or more of the following signs of low growth hormone:

It becomes increasingly difficult to maintain an ideal weight through diet, exercise, and healthy habits. Even people who have always been "naturally thin" may find themselves gaining weight and not wanting to lose it. As a result, you may feel depressed. You may also experience depression and low self-esteem.

Some people report that when their HGH levels are low, they wake up tired and have to struggle through the day, using caffeine and sugar for energy to get work done. Dependence on these substances can make it harder to control your weight.

Lack of motivation. There was a time when your job excited you. You felt like you could conquer the world. You built your business or career through hard work and look forward to continued success. Now, your low energy levels may be affecting your competitiveness in your field. You need to regain your energy and enthusiasm lest your peers catch up and surpass you.
It takes longer to recover after a workout. Intense exercise starts to leave you feeling exhausted instead of energized. You still feel tired the next day. Also, to make matters worse, your time in the gym doesn't give you the same results as before. You don't build as much muscle as before.
Your body shape will change from a lean, slender silhouette to a flabby figure with low muscle tone and loose, sagging skin. When you look in the mirror, you no longer see the person you imagine yourself to be.
Low HGH levels affect each person differently. These are just a few examples of how you might feel when your growth hormone levels drop.

How to Tell If Your HGH Levels Are Low

The only way to know for sure if your HGH levels are low is to get a medical diagnostic test. Our HGH doctors will order lab tests for patients to definitively diagnose growth hormone deficiency and develop a personalized treatment plan for each person. If you have diabetes, you would not take insulin without first checking your blood sugar levels. You should know your HGH levels before starting replacement therapy.